Matrix Pointe Software — Other Tools

Optimizing Incident Investigation from Initial Dispatch to Case Close

MatrixPolice is a web-based records and incident management system developed specifically for police departments and sheriff’s offices. The system’s workflow-oriented design provides officers and deputies easy access to the dispatch information, reports, and evidence management tools they need for complete incident intake and case initiation. The system facilitates collaboration between responders and investigators, providing a well-organized framework for accessing and adding case information, as well as tracking case status.


+Increase Situational Awareness

Quickly Identify Other Recently Reported Calls Nearby
When a Call for Service appears on a responder’s dashboard, the system provides information about other incidents and reports that have occurred nearby. This information is configurable and is listed with links to further details and plotted on an easy-to-read, color-coded map.

+Complete Reports Faster

Write Incident, Arrest and Crash Reports in a Fraction of the Time
Our engineered forms follow a logical, organized flow for easy data entry. The forms group data together and can be saved for later completion. The information entered populates both the incident file and the official report.

+Track Evidence More Precisely

Gain More Control over Evidence Transfers and Tracking
Ensure dual verification and automatically store chain of custody information with our built-in evidence tracking module.

+Transfer Case Files More Efficiently

Save Time with Electronic Case File Transfer
Use our integrated case file transfer module to easily submit and receive files, as well as information about parties, charges, and evidence, to other Matrix clients.

+Streamline Incident Reporting

Optimize Workflow from Intake to Supervisor Approval
Once an incident is created, our built-in workflow initiates the process of electronically sending an incident to a supervisor for review, requesting and receiving revisions, or sending to another unit for further revisions before validating and closing the incident.


+ Personalized Dashboard

  • When an officer, deputy or other user logs in for the day, he or she is presented with their own dashboard which sorts and filters their work. A specialized dashboard for officers and deputies details any calls for service and shows incident and report statuses. Investigator and staff dashboards display the individual’s cases, calendar, and tasks.
  • You can filter and work right from the dashboard or quickly open your case file.

+ Incident and Case Management

  • All items pertinent to your incident or case are stored in your electronic case file. You can see a summary or study the details for one or more related incidents. The contents include incident details, parties, locations, reports, evidence, offenses, files, calendar, notes and much more.
  • Our system tracks all the major case events as well as assigned staff from incident intake through final disposition in a concise, law-enforcement-oriented manner.

+ Investigative Events

  • Record details of an investigative event, such as location or narrative, and link involved parties, evidence, and encounters within an event type (e.g., interview, surveillance, controlled buy, search warrant).
  • Timeline view allows you to view your investigative events in an interactive timeline, helping you stay organized and visualize events in your investigation. You can view overlapping events and details of each event on the timeline, including the person, type of event, associated case, date and time, and a brief description. You can also view a certain time frame, search for a specific event, and filter events by date and time or type of event.
  • Create a professional and detailed report of your investigative events with just a few clicks. A Report of Events folder will also be generated including all files that were attached to events in the investigation.

+ Parties and Locations

  • All the parties involved in an incident are centrally accessible, and the system tracks extensive details on each party as the case progresses.
  • Parties can be ordered and defined with their type and case involvement.
  • All locations comprising your incident are created for you and new locations can be added.

+ Reports (Arrest, Investigative, Officer Summary, Crash, Etc.)

  • Matrix provides a system for creating any document that requires a consistent format with integrated workflow.
  • Use our report builder to create arrest, officer summary, progress of investigation, traffic crash, and supplemental reports.
  • Reports can also be created using our built-in web editor or Microsoft Word.

+ Evidence Management

  • Full-featured evidence tracking supports all types of evidence details.
  • This feature also includes an Office Evidence Management module to track evidence intake, storage, release, and disposition together with automated chain of custody and printed labels for bar coding.

+ Offenses

  • This feature allows you to completely create, revise and prepare documents to request and track charges.
  • A database of up-to-date charging language for all relevant State and Federal statutes can be used to generate charging documents.

+ Files

  • Our system provides an integrated file management system; there is no need for an additional and expensive product.
  • File Explorer will store most file types and provides versioning, redaction, and full text searching.
  • You can also package and bates stamp your files for sharing with others.

+ Matter Exchange

  • Send and receive case and incident information to and from any other organization that uses MatrixProsecutor, MatrixInvestigator, or MatrixPolice.
  • Keep track of what information was sent to and received from each organization.
  • Send and receive updates as new information becomes available.

+ Calendar, Notes, To Do and Discussions

  • The system’s Calendar feature can be used to manage appointments related to a case. It will even integrate with Microsoft Exchange to update your Outlook calendar.
  • Use the Notes feature to view and maintain all notes related to a case including a phone log or party notes.
  • The To Do feature allows you to assign work to yourself or to someone else. You can create check lists and auto generate tasks.
  • Use the Discussion feature to collaborate with fellow officers about a general topic or have a discussion within a specific case or task.

+ Review/Transfer Worklist

  • The Review Worklist organizes supervisor authorization and tracks approval of incident and other intake reports.
  • The Transfer Worklist provides detectives with a process for intake of incidents from patrol and assignment of personnel.
  • These lists can be filtered to display the desired case information.

+ Reporting

  • Extensive reporting capabilities including over 100 standard reports.
  • Create custom queries with the highly intuitive Data Explorer.
  • Download your results to Microsoft Excel.
  • Our comprehensive search tool supports searching by people, case or incident numbers, identifiers, phone numbers, and much more.
  • The Full Text Search capability will search documents attached to your case or information stored within your case.