+Increase Situational Awareness
Quickly Identify Other Recently Reported Calls Nearby
When a Call for Service appears on a responder’s dashboard, the system provides information about other incidents and reports that have occurred nearby. This information is configurable and is listed with links to further details and plotted on an easy-to-read, color-coded map.
+Complete Reports Faster
Write Incident, Arrest and Crash Reports in a Fraction of the Time
Our engineered forms follow a logical, organized flow for easy data entry. The forms group data together and can be saved for later completion. The information entered populates both the incident file and the official report.
+Track Evidence More Precisely
Gain More Control over Evidence Transfers and Tracking
Ensure dual verification and automatically store chain of custody information with our built-in evidence tracking module.
+Transfer Case Files More Efficiently
Save Time with Electronic Case File Transfer
Use our integrated case file transfer module to easily submit and receive files, as well as information about parties, charges, and evidence, to other Matrix clients.
+Streamline Incident Reporting
Optimize Workflow from Intake to Supervisor Approval
Once an incident is created, our built-in workflow initiates the process of electronically sending an incident to a supervisor for review, requesting and receiving revisions, or sending to another unit for further revisions before validating and closing the incident.